Issue Position: Abortion

Issue Position

ROE v. WADE was a 14th Amendment(corporate jurisdiction) decision. As such the "corporate personhood" also known in law as a "artificial person" does not begin till birth. There for the unborn does not have rights till the personhood is established by birth. The original citizen created and intended for us be be is found at Article 4 Sec 2 US Const. This citizen is NOT a corporate citizen And therefore would be entitled to rights at conception See Reconstruction Replacement Government home page.
Bruce Ray is a Christian, and as such, he goes by what the Constitution clearly states. We are ALL endowed by Our Creator, with certain unalienable rights. The right to life being the first, is sacrosanct. Bruce will not support, condone, or ever vote for any measure in which is included any funding or support for the killing of the unborn. It may shock many as to why however as his position has little to do with his faith. In his interpretation of the Constitution, he believes that nowhere in the Constitution does it place this authority into the hands of government. Therefore, as such he believes it his duty to stand against it politically. As it so is his position that it is morally wrong.
